Norway travel update

Seed Vault in Svalbard

Svalbard Global Seed Vault

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The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a secure seed bank in Spitsbergen, near Longyearbyen. Conservationist Cary Fowler, in cooperation with the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, founded the vault to preserve a variety of plant seeds that are duplicate samples, or copies, of seeds held in gene banks around the world. The seed vault is an attempt to ensure against the loss of seeds in other genebanks during large-scale regional or global crises. Each seed sample consists of approximately 500 seeds sealed in an airtight aluminum bag and the facility has a storage capacity of 4.5 million seed samples.

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Tours including Svalbard Global Seed Vault

You could experience Svalbard Global Seed Vault through any one of these tours below.

Norway & Svalbard
Partially Guided
4 days / 3 nights
Feb - Apr

Best of Svalbard Winter - Express



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Norway & Svalbard
Partially Guided
7 days / 6 nights
Feb - Apr

Best of Svalbard Winter - Complete



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